As part of this project, the following deliverables will be provided:
- The proposed curriculum will be developed as a Certificate Program in Equitable Digital Access, which will be offered to all undergraduate students in computer applications and interested students from other disciplines also.
- Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) for offering the course in the blended mode.
- An online Certificate Program of 6 months duration with 2 credits (45 Hours) to all students in the context of the new National Education Policy (NEP), which comprises 30 hours of theoretical/classroom inputs and 15 hours of practical (Group project).
- An Augmented Reality-based handbook on Equity in Digital Accessibility, which can be used for creating awareness among participants in the area through immersive technologies.
- Video content and other materials for offering the Program through the LMS platform.
- A technology demonstration website that will provide appropriate equity in accessibility for people with disabilities.
- Participation in one international conference on Digital Accessibility.
- Workshops for students and teachers and one national conference on Equity in Digital Accessibility.
Curriculum inclusion:
- Integrate digital accessibility principles and ethics into the curriculum, making it a core component of technology related courses.
- Include real world case studies and examples representing both positive and negative impacts of computing work on accessibility and inclusion.